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Louise Cruz

She is Always with You

During the early parts of Covid lockdown I had gotten into a terrible habit of drinking wine every evening. One of my guides, my Aunt Alice, had been coming to me for months during meditation telling me I needed to stop drinking or I would become sick. I would quit for a few days, but never for any significant amount of time.

But now with communicating with Mary and practicing mediumship, I wondered if was making connecting more difficult, so I was trying harder not to drink. Then the gift of an ulcer gave me no choice but to quit. Alice was right, I was sick.

On Saturday, July 2, 2022, I was feeling better and thought I could have a little wine. The next day I had a practice mediumship session, and it did not go well. I could not get a good connection. I knew it was because I had wine. The pain of the ulcer had also returned. I was left feeling guilty and ashamed, and sure that Mary would not be happy with my slip.

At 6 am on July 4th, Mary came to me.

“I am always here, you need to know that, really know that. You are not in ‘trouble,’ but it would be better if you didn’t muddy the connection. Listen to Alice. She was always sent as your guide.

“We will talk again soon my sweet child. Watch for me, for the shift in energy. I may pop in during wake times and surprise you. All my love to you. Always remember that you are human and that is ok.”

I was so grateful for her message and her love. I asked her to please be with me during my next mediumship session.

A couple of days later I had a mediumship practice session

planned. Again, I asked Mary to be with me. As the other medium came on to Zoom, I noticed a large picture on her wall over her shoulder. I looked closer and realized it was a huge picture of Mother Mary. It was stunningly beautiful. It was proof that she was with me.

Later that week I was on a webinar. The man was talking about using your intuition. As he was talking, I noticed something on the shelf behind him. Why did this catch my attention? I took a screen shot and zoomed in on the photo. Of course. It was a candle with a picture of Mary on it. I smiled at the beauty of yet another sign of her presence.

On July 9, I decided to go to the Universalist Unitarian Church in my town. Again, looking for that outside connection to God. During the service they sang a song I had never heard before, Rock Me Divine Mother. The song is about being comforted by Mother Mary. I could feel her energy fill the church. It was so beautiful I cried. Just as she said, I felt the shift in energy. She was there.

The following Sunday I went to the church again. At the end of the service the Minister said, "This is not in the program, but I loved it so much last week, let’s sing Rock Me Divine Mother again.” I couldn’t believe it. Mary was showing herself once again. When I came home and told my husband, he looked at me and said, “When will you stop doubting that she is with you?”


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