I have been documenting my visits with Mary in the order that they happened. But today I need to go out of order. She came to me on February 9th, 2023, and she asked me to publish this one now.
I was falling asleep when I felt her draw near. I got up and grabbed my notebook and pen from my nightstand and began to write her words.
“My dear one, I am always here. You are so faithful yet full of doubts; two sides to a coin. Yin and Yang – that is you. That is what makes you all special. You do not need to be perfect to be worthy. You exist so you are worthy. Worthy of love, both human and Divine. Worthy of friends, happiness, health, and joy. There is so much joy if people would just open their eyes to it. See all the small things as great gifts – a raindrop falling from the sky, the colors in a rainbow or sunset, a flower blooming. Even a storm moving through – these are all miracles! Yet people chose to close their eyes to them. Do you not see that even disasters are miracles? They are opportunities to bring humanity together. What a miracle that would be! Again, I implore you all – lead with love, find the miracle in every day. And yes dear one, even pain is a miracle. It tethers you to your miraculous body and provides a learning ground for healing on all levels. Love and learn. Know you are loved and NEVER alone.
Proof? Never doubt.
This came in my email today. It is a newsletter from Suzanne Giesemann’s Awakened Way daily message.
